Lafayette LED Lighting Solutions

A commercial LED lighting company.

Across the country, Leaders in all different industries are choosing to improve their operations with energy-efficient LED lighting. And there’s a lot of potential for organizations around Lafayette, Indiana to make smart, long-term investments for their own facilities—and the people who work and live in those areas. Being responsible with your budget and streamlining costs helps everyone succeed. That’s how communities grow.

Explore Your Lafayette LED Lighting Solutions

Making the switch to LED lighting is a smart move for Lafayette and West Lafayette community leaders because it improves their operating budgets. More importantly, good indoor and outdoor lighting just sets a higher standard for the city as a whole. The benefits serve all types of populations, on just about any type of property.

Indoor LED Lighting

Retail locations, office spaces, and multi-family housing complexes are able to quickly lower their utility bills with energy-efficient LED lights. But when it comes to industrial LED lighting solutions, the benefits go beyond just the cost savings. These affordable facility upgrades are fantastic for boosting your safety standards too. Helping your employees to see better can work to mitigate risks and keep your operations running smoothly.

LED Lights for Schools

Lafayette school systems can also turn to LED lighting to create a better learning environment. Light quality makes a big difference for how well students are able to focus. Certain color tones can even help support children with special needs to feel calmer in the classroom. There are a lot of lighting opportunities for educators and superintendents to explore.

Outdoor LED Lighting

When you upgrade to LED lights for parking lots and athletic fields, your site can instantly feel safer. Areas with bright, reliable lights have less vandalism. They also have an aesthetic appeal, especially when your outdoor lighting showcases your landscaping. A lot of developers and property managers also appreciate that LED lights have such a long lifespan. The LED Fixtures last for years, so you shouldn’t have to worry about replacing them anytime soon!

UVC Disinfecting Systems

Another great development with LEDs in recent years is using UVC lights as a disinfecting solution. These systems come in a variety of models and are really useful for doctor offices and school systems that want to reduce their cleaning costs. Disinfecting rooms with UVC is a truly green cleaning solution because you don’t have to deal with any chemicals. Going with an automated setup also works to speed up your process without compromising on quality.

Make the Switch— with LED Indy!

When it comes to making a facility upgrade, LED lighting is usually the “lowest hanging fruit.” Because it comes with such a great ROI for your energy expenses, a lot of people regret not making the decision sooner. You’ll be able to keep your site’s energy costs low, create a better work environment, promote safety both inside and outdoors, and even beautify your property—all with the power of efficient LED lighting.

LED Indy is proud to serve communities throughout central Indiana for all of their commercial LED lighting needs. It all starts with a Free Energy Analysis for your site. We’ll review your property and then run the numbers to see how much you could save by using LED lights. Please don’t hesitate to send us a message so we can get in touch!

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35 Years Experience

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High Technology Factory

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